In 2018, residents of Rowlett voted to authorize the issuance of general obligation
bonds in the amounts of $59.9 million for bond propositions to fund capital projects. This was accomplished without incurring an increase to the City’s property tax rate. These projects are all complete or well underway.
PROPOSITION A: Streets & Alleys $41,470,000
COMPLETE! Phase 2 Dalrock Estates Street Reconstruction - $3,400,000
COMPLETE! Phase 2 Highland Meadows Street Reconstruction - $2,200,000
COMPLETE! Phase 2 Lake Country Estates - $2,800,000
Turn Lanes at Strategic Locations Along Arterial Streets - $3,500,000 Status
Five right-turn lanes: Three at Miller & PGBT, one at SH66 & Rowlett Rd, and one at SH66 & Kenwood Dr. All projects have acquired right-of-way, and coordination with franchise utilities to relocate their facilities is under way on all projects. Construction is anticipated to begin on the two SH66 projects in July 2024; the Miller & PGBT projects are anticipated to begin construction in early 2025 due to Oncor’s schedule.
Complete! Alley Reconstruction Program - $7,000,000
Miller Road - $6,000,000
Reconstruct Miller Road east of the railroad tracks to Dalrock Road from two-lane asphalt to a four-lane divided concrete roadway. Status
This Phase 2 of the Miller Road Widening Project is under construction. The westbound lanes are complete and are being used as a two‑way roadway while the eastbound lanes are being completed. The intersection at Miller Rd & Chiesa Rd is complete, and fully open to traffic from and to all directions; the new traffic signals at this intersection have yet to be installed and the temporary signals continue to regulate traffic thru this intersection. Final completion is anticipated in June 2024.
COMPLETE! Phase 1 Lakeland Heights Street Reconstruction- $3,480,000
Chiesa Road Reconstruction - $12,500,000
Reconstruct Chiesa Road from Dalrock Road to Miller Road from two-lane asphalt to a
four-lane divided and undivided concrete roadway. Status
The Chiesa Rd Reconstruction project is in the middle of design; the alignment has been fully vetted, and the roadway configuration and utilities have been established. Right-of-way acquisition is under way, and approximately half of the properties have been acquired. Construction is anticipated to begin in FY25 Q2.
PROPOSITION B: Parks $8,955000
COMPLETE! Phase 1 Herfurth Park - $1,800,000
Design park Master Plan and begin Phase 1 construction.
COMPLETE! Wet Zone Waterpark Phase 2 Renovations - $700,000
Lakefront at Pecan Grove (on Main Street) - $400,000
Improve parking lot and add lakefront park amenities. Status
The bond amount passed in the 2018 Bond Election was insufficient to accomplish all of this project’s goals; additional funds are being sought by the 2024 Bond Election.
COMPLETE! Kenwood Heights Park Improvements - $250,000
COMPLETE! Twinstar Park Improvements - $250,000
Trail Construction - $2,475,000
Lake Highlands Trail – COMPLETE!
The Lake Hightlands Trail construction is complete. The remaining bond funds are being used to construct the Garner‑Fuqua Trail project, which is currently under construction. Final completion is anticipated in May 2024. Status of remaining projects
Garner/Fuqua Trail – In design
COMPLETE! Waterview Golf Course Renovations - $1,100,000
COMPLETE! Mobile Stage - $300,000
COMPLETE! Community Park Improvements - $600,000
COMPLETE! Shorewood Park Improvements - $200,000
Install restrooms, restore and improve baseball field.
Sports Field Construction - $500,000
Hockey rink relocation from Herfurth Park to Katy Park under discussion for installation in Fiscal Year 2024.
COMPLETE! - Environmental Learning Center Design & Funding Match - $250,000
PROPOSITION C: Public Safety & Facilities $9,485,000
COMPLETE! - Design and Construct Fire Station 2 - $9,050,000
COMPLETE! - Future Municipal Complex Needs Assessment - $300,000