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In 2021, residents of Rowlett voted to authorize the issuance of general obligation 
bonds in the amounts of $29.15 million for bond propositions to fund capital projects. This was accomplished without incurring an increase to the City’s property tax rate. These projects are all complete or well underway. 

PROPOSITION A: Paving & Drainage $19,499,000

COMPLETE! Phase 2 Lakeland Heights Streets Reconstruction - $1,634,000 


COMPLETE! Concrete Pavement Replacement $3,000,000 


Merritt Interconnector - $2,000,000 

Funds required to secure future grant dollars for constructing an interconnector for Liberty Grove to PGBT. This project was designed with previous bond funding. Status

The Merritt Road Interconnector has multiple funding sources in addition to the 2021 Bond, including a $14M grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHA).  TxDOT is administering that grant, which has generated additional environmental permitting requirements.  The City, the City’s engineering consultant, and TxDOT have held a kickoff meeting and additional discussions, which have clarified the additional work scope necessary to push the project thru to FHA approval.  Construction is currently anticipated to begin in 2027, but the environmental assessments are likely to yield results that could push the start date up about one year.


Long Branch Creek Erosion Control - $2,735,000 Status

The design consultant is finalizing the design.  Construction access is being negotiated, and the project cannot bid until access is resolved.

Phase 1 & 2 Toler Business Park - $2,157,000 

Design Phases 1 & 2, and construct Phase 1. Project includes new pavement, drainage, 

sidewalks and street lighting. 

Phase 1 – Century Drive, Vaughn Drive to Rowlett Road. 

Phase 2 – Lawing Lane, Vaughn Drive and Singleton Street. Status

Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 designs are complete.  Coordination with franchise utilities to relocate their facilities is ongoing.  Construction of Phase 1 is anticipated to begin in August 2024.  The 2024 Bond Election is seeking funding for the construction of Phase 2.

Phase 1 & 2 Country Aire Estates Streets Reconstruction - $1,144,000 

Design Phases 1 & 2, and construct Phase 1.  Status

Phase 1 is currently under construction; anticipated final completion is August 2024.  Phase 2 design is complete; the 2024 Bond Election is seeking funding for the construction of this second phase.


COMPLETE! Alley Reconstruction Program - $2,000,000 

Design and reconstruct approximately six alleys to City’s current standards.  


East Industrial Street - $4,829,000 

Design and construct Industrial Street from PGBT to the DART Station Parking Lot.  Status

The project design is complete.  Coordination with franchise utilities to relocate their facilities is ongoing.  Right-of-way acquisition is underway, about 1/3 of the right-of-way has been acquired.  Construction is anticipated to begin in FY25 Q2.


PROPOSITION B: Parks, Trails & Recreational Facilities $7,365,000 

not approved by Rowlett voters. 


PROPOSITION C: Public Safety & Facilities $2,286,000


COMPLETE! Outdoor Warning System - $1,336,000 

Install new outdoor warning system, including Whelen 10-cell omni directional sirens, lightning detection in major parks, cameras,  weather stations, and fiber connection. 


Design Joint Fire/Police Station at Sapphire Bay - $950,000 

Construction will be included in a future bond election. Status

The project has been designed and is currently under construction.  The building is anticipated to be open and housing both Fire and Police squads by July 2025.

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